Submitted by Rev. Laura Cunningham, Nauraushaun Presbyterian Church, Pearl River, NY
confession: our distorted passions
The Psalmist asserts that all have gone astray, fleeing from the shepherd who longs to gather us together and heal our brokenness. Let us take this time to return to God, admitting our failings and holding close to the understanding that God longs to gather us in.
Holy God, we must confess that we are led off your way into paths marked by our distorted passions: greed, lust, and our hunger for power. We confess that once we follow our passions, it is easier to continue down these treacherous paths rather than returning to you once again. Give us the strength to turn back to your Way. Transform us once again by your saving grace that we might pursue your Son our Lord with all our heart, mind and soul, and so be renewed into the fullness of life that you have promised us. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen.
God assures us: No one has wandered so far down other paths that God cannot find them. No one is beyond God’s love or reach. Friends remember this: It is through the life, death and resurrection of the Christ that we are forgiven. Let us rejoice and give God Glory!
Submitted by Jason Carle, pastor at Overland Park Presbyterian Church (Overland Park, KS)
confession: we dismiss the gifts of children
Holy God, who revealed yourself to us as a child, forgive us when we dismiss the gifts of the children among us. Forgive us when we think their offerings are unimportant enough to relegate to a few special Sundays a year. Forgive us when we are impatient about their wiggles and giggles in our all-too-solemn worship. Forgive us if we keep them from learning your Word and joining your family by sending them away so we won’t be distracted. Forgive us for expecting 21st century children to learn in 20th century ways. Transform us, O God, not into childish people, but into your children, ready to learn, ready to listen, ready to welcome unconditionally, ready to serve. Amen.
Submitted by Stephanie Anthony, pastor at First Presbyterian Church (Hudson, WI)
confession: dividing humanity
Bringer of peace, we confess we call holy places of sterile stone and dead wood instead of being built into a temple of living hearts and helping hands. Forgive us for dividing humanity when you have joined all together with the cross. May we build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. Hear us as we move our hearts so they may be your home…
confession: grace upon grace
One: You give us grace upon grace,
All: but we often hold tightly to other things instead.
One: You make your home among us,
All: but we often fill our lives with other things instead.
One: You call us to friendship,
All: but we are so busy, we don’t have time.
One: Forgive us, God,
All: for our out of order priorities,
our too-full homes and calendars,
our self-importance.
One: Come again and dwell with us,
speak to us, show us your love,
and orient our lives around You, our true center.
All: Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, Crystal Lake IL.
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