Even with those simple commandments, Eternal Love, we manage to get it wrong. We misuse your name on an almost daily basis, and dishonor our friends and neighbors by talking behind their backs. We hunger for what others have, and think we can put you in a box, storing you away on a shelf. We find little enough time for our families, for ourselves, you – much less setting aside an entire day for that rest you call Sabbath. Forgive us, Abiding Love. We think we are so wise with the choices we make, only to end up with all that
keeps us from you. Your Word has come, to fill our speech with grace, with hope, with peace. As we journey to Jerusalem, may we invite others to join us as we seek to follow Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Savior.
Silence is kept
Submitted by Rev. Thom Shuman, author of Lectionary Liturgies.
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