Call to Reconciliation
God takes broken promises and turns them into vows of faithfulness.
God takes our biggest failings and shapes lives of service. God
listens to our prayers of confession and changes them into songs
of mercy. Let us come to the One who pours forgiveness into
our lives, praying,
Unison Prayer of Confession
We admit we are hesitant to walk to Jerusalem and beyond with
you, God of Glory. In a world where we worry about tomorrow
before enjoying today, we race by your moments of silence, of
learning. In that flood of worries, which can overwhelm us, we may
miss that assurance that you have not cut us off from your grace.
In the deserts of our desires, we may ignore that feast of hope, of
joy, of life you offer to us.
Forgive us and have mercy on us, Gentle Guardian of our souls.
In humility, may we offer our lives to others. In love, may we share
your grace with everyone we meet. In hope, may we wait for you
all our days, as you come to us in the life and joy of Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
L: In this place we find God’s word, God’s way, God’s love,
God’s forgiveness. What more do we need to sustain us
as we continue as pilgrims along the Way?
P: In every wilderness, on every road;
in every moment, in every life;
in every journey, in every heart,
we receive the daily bread we need – God’s hope,
God’s mercy, God’s joy. Thanks be to God, we
are forgiven. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Thom Shuman, author of Lectionary Liturgies.
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