We made it through the sheep and shepherds of Easter 4, so Easter 5 is upon us as fast as ever! We on LiturgyLink are running a little late this week due to some other commitments, but we’re still facing the relentless return of Sunday! Why not do it together with us??!
This week present some pretty wide options for us. We have Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch meeting up on the road to Gaza, John’s call for love to be perfected among us, and Jesus calling us to bear fruit amidst his vines and be faithful disciples. Are you thinking of tying these together in some way? Will you continue along as part of a previous series? Or are you going in another direction entirely?
Most importantly, what will you do with the liturgy for this Sunday? We’ve got a couple of submissions coming out soon, but don’t hesitate to share your general ideas in the comments and your specific writings with us at liturgylink@gmail.com.
Whatever you’re thinking about, add your voice here as our community creates together!
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