On this Thanksgiving Day, let us not forget to start by saying thank you to the Creator and Source of all for which we have to be thankful. Loving God, we thank you for those with whom we spend this day. Thank you for family, friends, and strangers. We thank you for the food we share and remember those who do not have enough to eat. May today’s feast inspire us to share what you have given us with others. As we enjoy a day of relaxation and rest, we ask your blessing on those working today–the people working to keep us safe and healthy, the people working so others can eat, and the people working because they desperately need the money. We pray for families and friend who wish they could be together today. We pray for people who struggle to feel thankful this day. God, we ask that you give us thankful hearts, not just today when it is easy to be thankful, buy everyday. Amen.
Feast Days
POP: Be our Rock
To you, O Lord, we call out for help,
for you are our rock and our fortress.
Listen to the prayers we raise before you today.
Rescue those who are under the power of injustice and cruelty,
and cleanse our hearts of the desires that do violence against your people.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Protect and nurture the young,
who are just learning the promise of your constant presence;
keep them safe and cover them with your gracious love.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Let your mercy surround those who are old,
especially those whose health or mind or family fail them;
let your strength lift them up, and let your praises be on their lips.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Stand with all who seek to serve you faithfully.
Give them steadfast hope by the power of your Holy Spirit,
and let them celebrate the righteous acts you do through them day after day.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Reveal yourself in family and community gatherings this week,
that as loved ones gather together for Thanksgiving,
each generation may tell another about the wonders of your love.
Bless and watch over all who travel.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Revive and comfort those who face trouble and calamity among us,
and let your healing presence be with all who are ill (especially ___).
Bring your people up from the depths, to your honor.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Show your faithfulness to those who face death or walk in the shadow of grief (especially ___).
Strengthen your people to sing your praises even in the darkness,
and watch over the souls of all who rest in you.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
God our rock, we call to you now and always,
trusting in the name of Jesus the Christ,
who taught us to pray as we say together:
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion, IA
litany for All Saints
(This prayer is designed to be interspersed with the singing of the verses of “Give Thanks for Those Whose Faith Is Firm,” #731 in Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal or #428 in Evangelical Lutheran Worship.)
Let us give thanks to God for all the saints of our lives
and the witness they have shared with us
even as we continue to walk the journey of faith
and make our way to the glory that God is preparing for all of us.
Let us pray.
Eternal God,
our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
we praise you for the saints of all times and places
who have walked the road of faith before us and beside us.
For their witness to your love and their commitment to your justice,
for their trust in your mercy regardless of the circumstance,
we give you thanks and praise.
(verse 1 of “Give Thanks for Those Whose Faith Is Firm”)
God of all creation,
we praise you for all your servants who have witnessed to your truth,
who have shown us your love,
who have inspired us to have hope.
By their example of faith, hope, and love,
remind us of your calling to join in making your new creation real in this world and the next.
(verse 2)
God of grace and peace,
we praise you for women and men and children
who reflect your love into our world.
Guide us to continue their faithful work
as we too walk in the light of your love.
(verse 3)
God of all saints,
today we especially remember the saints from among this community who have departed our company over the past year.
We thank you for the faithful witness of N. and N.,
for their courage amidst strife
and their hope in the face of death.
We remember so many other saints who have walked this road with us,
whom we name before you aloud or in silence:
Continue to inspire us by their faithful witness,
that we too might join in bringing your justice, mercy, and peace to our world.
(verse 4)
Eternal God,
as we walk this pilgrim way,
make our faith firm,
our hope clear,
and our love pure,
that we might join the saints of all the ages in praise eternal,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
All Saints Litany
All-We remember
One-teachers and storytellers who made God’s stories come alive for us and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-choir members, praise bands, organists, and all the musicians who sang and played your praises and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-preachers and lay leaders who led our worship through the years and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, and brothers who sat with us on Sundays and lived out their faith all week long and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-our church families-this one and others we have loved. We remember all those who have been a part of this faith family and
All-we give thanks!
All-We remember
One-our ancestors in the faith whose courage enables us to be here today. For our sisters and brothers in the faith whose names are remember only by God
All-we give thanks!
Litany for Trinity Sunday
One: O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
All: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.
One: The angels sing of your glory.
All: Children recognize your power.
One: Your enemies do not prevail. The fortress of your love lasts forever.
All: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.
One: When I think of all creation- space, animals, plants,
All: People, music, fish, mountains, oceans, and deserts.
One: It is more than I can comprehend- that I am born out of the same mind as whales and galaxies.
All: Who are we, that you have thought of us, made us, loved us, saved us?
One: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.
All: You made people- all people, all kinds of people
One: You gave people, us, the work of caring for, of stewardship over
All: Flocks and herds, fields and forests, lakes and rivers, the wild and the tamed
One: O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
All: Majestic, magnificent, marvelous, mysterious is our God.
Submitted by Rev. Julia Seymour, Lutheran Church of Hope, Anchorage Alaska
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