CTW: we want a spectacle
Leader: We want a spectacle. We want fireworks and a laser light show. We want the rockets’ red glare and bombs bursting in air. We want a production that will make the power go out. That will get our attention.
People: The Lord rules; let the people tremble; let the earth quake! God is great; he towers in splendor over everyone else!
Leader: What if Jesus showed up, and his face was dazzling, and his clothes were so white they radiated light? What if the greatest prophets of all time stood next to him and their appearance was even more glorious?
People: The people of God cried out to the Lord, and he answered them. The Lord spoke to them in a pillar of cloud and of fire!
Leader: We want glory. We want power. We want the assurance of things we never get to see. We want something to depend on, something to hope in, something to dedicate our lives to.
People: Let us extol the Lord our God, and worship on his holy mountain. For the Lord our God is holy!
adapted from Psalm 99
submitted by Rev. Eric Beene, White Bluff Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA
confession: afraid to see
Holy God,
when you call us to hope and to act with great boldness,
we tremble at your presence and cover our eyes.
We are afraid of what we will see
for your greatness unveils our weakness,
your justice unveils our brokenness,
and your holiness unveils our stained past.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Giver of all grace, forgive us our sins.
Give us the strength to renounce that which hides you from us.
Give us the wisdom to execute justice and righteousness.
Give us the courage to uncover our hearts
that we might see the grace of your Son
and not lose heart.
Submitted by Stephen Fearing.
What Peter Wished He’d Said
I’m a fisherman, Lord, not a mountain climber.
I know sunburn, not radiance.
I know the fog of the sea, not heavenly mists.
I know the seagull’s call, not Mysterious Voices.
I know my yesterdays, not my future days.
But I also know You, Jesus.
And you, I will follow:
Back down the mountain,
to Jerusalem,
to an upper room,
to a midnight garden,
to a cross…
Submitted by Jerie Messer Lukefahr, elder St. Mark Presbyterian in Ballwin MO, CRE in training
CTW: come to the mountain
Leader: Come to the mountain, you people of God.
All: We come to hear God’s Word.
Leader: Come, you sisters, to proclaim God’s greatness,
Women: for the Lord is righteous and just!
Leader: Come, you brothers, to proclaim God’s goodness,
Men: for the Lord is the Holy One!
Leader: Come, you youth, to proclaim God’s brilliance,
Youth: for the Lord is clothed with light!
Leader: Come, you people, to the mountain of God
All: for we are gathered to worship our Lord!
Submitted by Stephen Fearing.
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