Trinity Sunday
confession: easy as Holy Holy Holy
Holy, holy, holy God, the words of praise slip easily from our lips. You are almighty! You are glorious! You dwell in holy splendor! But as we are swept up in those lofty words, we can miss the point. Because we can describe you, we start to think that we can understand you. And then we think we can predict your actions, and expect your favor, and control your mercy. Holy God, forgive us for limiting our vision of you: for only acknowledging your presence some of the time, for refusing to see the complexities of your blessings, and for praying only for the people we think are worthy of our concern. Close our lips and turn our eyes to gaze on you in awe and wonder, so that we may receive your love and your grace, not as facts to understand but as gifts to treasure. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Savior. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Eric Beene, White Bluff Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA.
illumination: a glimpse of joyous life
Most Holy Mystery,
open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts
as your scripture is read and your Word proclaimed,
that we might gain a glimpse of your joyous life
and join the dance of Father, Spirit, and Son
now and always.
Submitted by Rev. Andy James, First Presbyterian Church, Whitestone, New York.
confession: change
One: Holy God, you call us to change our hearts and lives, to return to you.
All: So often we like the way things are,
and we aren’t sure what changing our way
and following you would mean.
One: You promise new life for all,
All: but sometimes we decide who is good and who is bad,
closing off your love for ourselves and others.
One: You call us to seek your heart,
to allow ourselves to be born anew in your Spirit.
All: So often we live in the literal meaning of your words,
rather than letting the spirit of your word live in us.
Come and dwell within us,
and transform us from the inside out. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, Crystal Lake IL.
CTW: come into God’s presence
One: Come into God’s presence with gladness!
All: The Spirit brings light into our darkness,
hope to our sadness, joy to our mourning.
One: Come into God’s presence with singing!
All: Christ’s love brings faith to our doubt,
promise to our uncertainty.
One: Come into God’s presence with joy!
All: We come, seeking God’s new way of life.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, Crystal Lake IL.
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