Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church
Holy God,
speak to us, as if we are ready to listen;
show us, as if we are ready to see;
and send us, as if we are ready to go and be and do.
a community creating for the relentless return of Sunday
Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church
Holy God,
speak to us, as if we are ready to listen;
show us, as if we are ready to see;
and send us, as if we are ready to go and be and do.
A prayer of illumination for reading Acts 1:1-14 (Ascension/Easter 7A).
Submitted by Andy James, First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone, Queens, NY
Ever-rising God,
just as you lifted the eyes of the disciples
to the rising Jesus at his ascension,
so lift our eyes to you as we hear your holy word today,
that we too might turn our eyes toward the need of the world
and follow in your way through Jesus Christ our Lord.
O risen Christ,
open us to the power of your resurrection
as we hear it proclaimed anew this day,
that we too might rise to new life in you.
Submitted by Andy James, First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone, Queens, New York.
A prayer for illumination (written while reflecting on 1 Samuel 16). Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church.
Your eyes miss nothing, O God—
you look not only at the things we can see
but also inside, where we can only imagine.
Open our eyes this day to see as you see.
Open our ears to hear as you speak.
Open our hearts to receive your wisdom,
to know your voice, your truth, your grace.
As we come together to your word,
lead us in your way.
Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church.
Holy God,
as we listen to these words,
write your love in our hearts;
plant your hope in our minds;
and paint your grace onto the canvas of our lives;
so that we might be…heart, mind, and soul…
your grace, hope, and love in the world,
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