Faithful God,
Year B
CTW: we come to ourselves
One: We come to what is familiar. Time, place, people.
All: Watching God, help us to see them in new ways.
One: We come to what is called your house. The place of God.
All: Drive out from among us all that stands in the way of seeing you, being loved by you, and being transformed.
One: We come to ourselves, our bodies called your temples.
All: Make your home in us and our home in you. May your grace make us new and send us out.
Submitted by L. Elaine Hall, Bethelview/Valle Crucis United Methodist Churches, Boone, NC
confession: seduced by control
Call to Confession
God longs for relationship, and through relationship to transform the world into the kingdom. When we confess our sin, we find our relationship with God renewed and our life turned again to God’s way. Let us pray together.
Prayer of Confession
God, we think we know what you want, and we try our best to follow the rules. So often, though, we are seduced by our own desire for answers, for black-and-white lists of do’s and don’ts. We like to believe we can earn, or even buy, our way into your kingdom. We confess our need to control, and pray for your forgiveness when we impose our rules on you and on others. We confess that we like things the way we are, and pray for your forgiveness when the status quo keeps some away from you, even as it benefits us. Turn over the tables in our hearts, minds, and churches, and make room for your grace to dwell.
We pray in the name of the One who disrupts the world with love, Jesus the Christ.
Assurance of Forgiveness
Friends, hear this good news: only Christ is in a position to judge, and his very nature is mercy. If anyone is in Christ, the whole creation is made new, filled with hope and grace, infused with forgiveness. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
CTW: come into the house of God
One: Come into the house of God, singing praise!
All: We come to this house of prayer for all nations, leaving behind division to seek after grace.
One: Come, whether your heart is pure and ready, or sometimes full of wrong things.
All: We come, craving a glimpse of the Holy One, who is abounding in steadfast love.
One: Come, for in God’s presence all are welcome.
All: We come to worship and be transformed.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
confession: You, O Lord…
You, O Lord, are our strong tower, our refuge and help in every trouble. Forgive us when we hide away from the challenges of following your call, using your word to build walls that insulate us from your world.
You, O Lord, are everywhere present. Forgive us when we want you to walk alongside us, when we ought to ask for the grace to walk alongside you wherever you are going.
You, O Lord, are the one who hears and answers our cries. Forgive us when our prayer is only self-serving, asking your stamp of approval or your help for our desires, and not for your glory.
You, O Lord, are our counselor and comforter. Forgive us when we seek only comfort, ignoring what we have done wrong and refusing to be confronted or challenged.
You, O Lord, are the one who calls us to come and follow. Forgive our blindness to your people in need, our deafness to your creation groaning for relief, our hearts hardened against the new thing you are doing. Teach us to pray, teach us to listen, teach us to serve, teach us to follow you wherever you are going.
One: Help us, O God,
All: to know you so well that we cannot help but love you, and to love you so much we cannot help but serve you, sharing your good news in every place, for it is in doing your will that we find perfect freedom. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
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