One Sunday into Lent, how are things going? How was worship yesterday? Was the atmosphere what you hoped? Did the liturgy work well with the music and the proclamation?
What are you thinking for this week? We have the name-changing covenant to work with this week, and of course the different kind of name-changing conversation between Jesus and Peter. Paul reminds us to have faith in the promise (after all, Abraham was “as good as dead” and he believed…). The psalm reminds us to praise the God who keeps his promise (to borrow a phrase from a John Bell hymn titled “God it Was”)–the promise will endure so long that those yet unborn will also hear it.
What word or phrase will is catching your imagination this week? What image or word is to be the seed of your liturgical expression? Put those ideas–even if they’re just a word, just three words, or a whole prayer!–in the comments so we can create together!
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