prayers of the people: come to us
Word of God, come to us as you came to Lazarus.
Come to the caves of our lives –
caves we have created,
and caves we have sought;
Caves to which we have been sent,
caves in which we now reside.
Come to the caves of our world –
caves of containment,
and caves of protection;
Caves of solace and anxiety,
caves that quickly become tombs.
Word of God, come to us as you came to Lazarus.
Call us back to life –
life created by you,
and life sustained by you;
Life in relationship with you,
life in service to others.
Call us back to life –
life that is hope in despair,
and peace in unsettled times.
Life that is joy in sorrow,
love beyond understanding.
Word of God, come to us as you came to Lazarus.
Unbind us and set us free –
liberate shackles of sadness,
and burdens too heavy to bear.
Release us from fear that inhibits
deliver us in your grace.
Unbind us and set us free –
call us to community,
and fuel us for connection.
Show us your way,
inspire us to walk with you.
Through the renewing power of your Spirit,
and grounded in the words you teach us to pray….
submitted by Katherine Kussmaul, Saint Giles Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, North Carolina
Communion: Learn the Story Again
to give you thanks and praise,
eternal God, creator and ruler of the universe.You created us from the earth,
breathed life into us,
and set us in your world to love and serve you.
When we said “no” to your love
and acted like we alone were the most important,
you did not give up on us.
Instead, you came to us in Jesus Christ,
who showed us that true greatness comes in service.Tonight we remember that Jesus was betrayed,
killed by human authorities,
and then raised to life again by your divine power.
We eat this bread and drink this cup
to learn that story again
and to claim your redeeming love for everyone.
Give us your Holy Spirit,
so that when we share this special meal,
we are in fact sharing in Jesus’ presence.
Unite us with each other,
and with all Christians everywhere,
so our lives in the world
can show what your life is like.
Give us the strength,
the wisdom,
and the courage
to serve each other and everyone we meet,
in Jesus’ name.
We pray as he taught us, saying…
CTW: Blow the Trumpet in Zion
based on Joel 2:1-2,12-17
Blow the trumpet in Zion; shout on God’s holy Mountain!
Everyone will be afraid, God’s Judgement is on its way,
the Day of the Lord is almost here.
It’ll be a day like we’ve never seen – a day of dark and gloom,
clouds and darkness!
Shadows will spread over everything as a huge army comes,
one like there has never or will never be.
But it’s not too late, God calls to each of us:
“Come back to me, come fasting, crying, and sorry for
your sins!”
Tear your hearts, not just your clothes. Come back to your
God because God is compassionate, merciful, patient,
loving, and ready to forgive.
Blow the horn, demand a fast, call special services;
Gather everyone in and prepare them for a special meeting!
Bring everyone in: the elderly and the young, even infants, even men and women on their honeymoon—do what it takes to get them there, let them say, “Have mercy, O God, on us
your people!”
submitted by Rev. Will Ryan, First Christian Church Burlington IA
Opening Prayer: into your future
One: Show us your ways, O Lord!
Lead us in your truth, and teach us.
All: Open our eyes, minds, and hearts
to know your will and to follow it.
One: Reveal your vision for us,
and keep us focused and faithful to what you would have us do.
All: Bring us together to worship and work for your purpose,
and move us forward into your future. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, St. John’s Church of Scotland, Gourock
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