Here will be prayers of confession for the whole season of Lent. (as a bit of background, we are doing a series called “Choices on the Way” highlighting stories of the people of God having to make a choice to go forward or back as they discern God’s will. I’ve also noted the theme words and texts, some of which are lectionary and some are not.)
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church.
Week 1 (Entrance – Exit, Genesis 2.15-17, 3.1-7)
Prayer of Confession
One: You speak, Lord, but we are not always listening.
All: Sometimes other voices are louder or more persuasive.
One: You show us your way, lord, but we are not always looking.
All: Sometimes other ways seduce us with their ease or power.
One: You give us choices, now help us to learn your will.
All: Lead us, Lord, to walk your way on any road we travel.
(sung: Kyrie)
Week 2 (Familiar – Unknown, Genesis 12.1-4a)
Prayer of Confession
One: You call us to leave our old ways behind,
All: but we like our comfortable lives.
One: You call us to go where you will show us
All: but we want the map and directions before we leave.
One: You call us to be a blessing to all
All: but often we want to keep the blessing for ourselves.
One: Help us to hear your voice and to let go of what holds us back.
All: Lead us, Lord, to walk your way on any road we travel.
(sung: Kyrie)
Week 3 (Golden Age – Promise, Exodus 32.1-10)
Prayer of Confession
One: God, sometimes you work too slowly for us.
All: We want something we can see,
something we can do now,
something quick and easy.
One: So we turn our eyes toward “the way it’s always been”
All: and we try to re-create the days when everything was simple and good.
One: But you call us to hear your promise of a future with hope,
All: a promise we can’t understand, or see—
a promise for which we must wait and look and work.
One: Forgive us our impatience with mystery and promises,
and turn our eyes toward your future.
All: Lead us, Lord, to walk your way on any road we travel.
(sung: Kyrie)
Week 4: Seeing – Believing (Mark 8.27-33)
Prayer of Confession
One: God, we confess that we like to think we know you,
All: while what we really know is who we want you to be.
One: We often think we have the answers, that we know best,
All: even as you show us a still more excellent way.
One: Open our eyes and our ears to know you as you are,
All: and lead us, Lord, so we walk your way on any road we travel.
(sung: Kyrie)
Week 5: Call – Answer (Mark 7.24-30)
Prayer of Confession
One: God, we confess that oftentimes our boxes are too small.
All: We know what, and who, belongs where.
One: But your circle is always growing,
All: erasing our lines in the sand.
One: Call out to us, O God.
Widen our vision.
All: Lead us, Lord, to walk your way on any road we travel.
(sung: Kyrie)
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