Generous God, you have chosen to reveal yourself to us in ways this world considers foolish…and you call us to join you. As we learn generosity in the midst of a world that teaches self-sufficiency, bless our gifts that they may be a blessing to others. As we learn trust in the midst of a world that teaches individualism, bless our gifts that they may lead us into community. As we learn sacrifice in the midst of a world that teaches greed, bless our gifts that they may remind us of all you have given to us. We dedicate these, our gifts of treasure and talent, to the foolishness of your glory. Amen.
CTW: remembering who we are
One: Come from east and west, north and south!
All: From everywhere God has placed us,
with everything God has given us,
as the people God made us—we come.
One: Come, receive again the gift of grace!
All: Not for owning, not for boasting, but for celebrating—we come.
One: Come, discover again the way that leads to life!
All: Remembering who we are, seeking who we are yet to be—we come.
(Suggested opening hymn: We Rejoice To Be God’s Chosen)
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson
Confession: we don’t understand grace
Your generous creativity is beyond all our imagining, O God! You breathe the breath of life into us, your Spirit flows free, bringing new life in every place, your grace falls like rain on all creation. And yet we confess that often we would prefer a system of earning our way into your favour. We understand transactions and fairness, we don’t understand grace. We want to be able to say we deserve your love and forgiveness, to be proud of our accomplishments in following your call. But you insist there is nothing to be earned, nothing to be bought, nothing to be proud of. Instead you call us your accomplishment, you create and re-create us in your image, preparing for us a way of life that we are not sure how to follow. Forgive us, generous God, for thinking your ways are like our ways. Open our hearts to know the truth of your grace, and to live in your redeemed creation. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson
CTW: we want to see Jesus
One: From near and far, long-serving and first-timers, we enter this house together:
All: We want to see Jesus!
One: Share the good news, all are welcome in this place.
All: We come, drawn by grace and challenge, ready to follow in faith.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson
Confession: come with us
Lord of the Way, you said that where you are, your servants will be. We confess that we would prefer you to come with us, rather than for us to go with you. Too often you are found in places we would rather avoid, with people we are afraid of, doing things we wish you wouldn’t. Forgive our inward vision, and call us to your side once again. Give us courage to follow where you lead, to bring others along on the journey, and to live as people filled with your grace, your hope, your truth, your life. We pray in the name of the One who was obedient even to the cross, and beyond to the empty tomb, Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson
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