Ordinary 22A
confession: hard to pin down
All: O God, you are hard to pin down. We want to be able to name you and speak of you with certainty, but you are always bigger than our words and faster than our thoughts. Forgive our attempts to control you, and our desire to speak our words on your behalf. Forgive our halfhearted ‘yes’ and our excuses for saying ‘no’ to your call. Help us to truly listen to your living word, so that we may fully love as you love and humbly serve as you serve. Amen. ~silence~
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
opening prayer: eyes to see
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
God of our fathers and mothers,
Who sees the struggles of your people,
and comes to save,
Give us eyes to see you in burning bush,
feet to feel the holy ground beneath us,
and hearts willing to go where you send us,
So that all your people may know your salvation.
Submitted by Rev. Lorinda Hoover, Glidden United Methodist Church, Glidden, IA.
confession: excuses
Speaking God, your name echoes through creation, bringing all things into being. We confess that we often act as if we can get along without you, and insist on getting our own way. We confess that we think of ourselves more highly than we ought, and also that we consider ourselves unworthy of your call—mostly so we can get out of following where you lead. When we are hard hearted and selfish, forgive us, and transform us into your likeness. When we make excuses and ignore you, forgive us and keep calling, Lord. Give us courage to answer faithfully.
Gracious God,
speak your healing word into our lives again, that we may turn and follow you. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
CTW: holy ground
One: Be still,
for the presence of the Lord,
the Holy One, is here.
All: We come before God
with praise and thanksgiving,
we stand on holy ground.
One: Be still,
for the presence of the Lord
is shining all around.
All: Holy fire, splendor, radiance
are here, lighting our way
and setting us on fire with love
as we stand on holy ground.
One: Be still,
for the power of the Lord
is moving in this place.
All: God comes to cleanse and heal,
to fill us with grace overflowing,
as we stand on holy ground.
One: Be still,
for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One, is here.
All: We come together and find that this is holy ground.
One: Be still,
for the glory of the Lord is shining all around.
All: We stand on this holy ground,
renewed by awe.
One: Be still,
for the power of the Lord is moving in this place.
All: We stand on this holy ground,
waiting, listening, watching, hoping.
One: Be still and know that God is here.
Come, let us worship.
Two calls to worship for Holy Ground, loosely based on the hymn “Be Still For The Presence of the Lord.”
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church
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