It’s here! It’s here! The last of the “bread of life” weeks! After all that, the disciples are all “man, that’s difficult…but we’re not going anywhere Jesus, so you’ll have to keep putting up with us…”
Tired of the whole bread thing? How about armor?? The liturgy I can hear in the whole armor of god thing is incredible–I’m imagining calls to worship that invite us to move our bodies, confessions that remind us that the armor of god doesn’t come from the military-industrial-complex, prayers of dedication that offer up our whole selves, visuals of old suits of armor…but probably not armor-of-god-pajamas. ๐
If reclaiming the whole armor of God from the pajama people isn’t your calling for this week, perhaps you’ll want to spend some time praying with Solomon or the psalmist, contemplating the house of God to which the nations will stream and from which holiness and wonder emanates.
Whatever your direction, leave your ideas here so we can create the liturgy together!
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