Ordinary 2C-8C
CTW: we want to see miracles
charge and benediction: set apart
People of God,
you were set apart even before you came into being,
to proclaim the goodness and grace of our God,
in word and in deed, wherever you go.
Go out into the world this week, sharing God’s love with all people
in Jesus’ name.
And may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit,
be with you, now and forever. Amen
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion, IA
POP: Be our Rock
To you, O Lord, we call out for help,
for you are our rock and our fortress.
Listen to the prayers we raise before you today.
Rescue those who are under the power of injustice and cruelty,
and cleanse our hearts of the desires that do violence against your people.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Protect and nurture the young,
who are just learning the promise of your constant presence;
keep them safe and cover them with your gracious love.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Let your mercy surround those who are old,
especially those whose health or mind or family fail them;
let your strength lift them up, and let your praises be on their lips.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Stand with all who seek to serve you faithfully.
Give them steadfast hope by the power of your Holy Spirit,
and let them celebrate the righteous acts you do through them day after day.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Reveal yourself in family and community gatherings this week,
that as loved ones gather together for Thanksgiving,
each generation may tell another about the wonders of your love.
Bless and watch over all who travel.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Revive and comfort those who face trouble and calamity among us,
and let your healing presence be with all who are ill (especially ___).
Bring your people up from the depths, to your honor.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
Show your faithfulness to those who face death or walk in the shadow of grief (especially ___).
Strengthen your people to sing your praises even in the darkness,
and watch over the souls of all who rest in you.
O God our protector: Be our rock of refuge.
God our rock, we call to you now and always,
trusting in the name of Jesus the Christ,
who taught us to pray as we say together:
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion, IA
CTW: Renewing God
One: Renewing God, we come together in your presence
All: Wash us. Make us clean and new
One: Rejoicing God, we come together in your presence.
All: Fill us. Make us overflow with the joy of your presence.
Submitted by L. Elaine Hall, Bethelview/Valle Crucis United Methodist Churches, Boone, NC
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