Call to Confession
There are many ways to get out of relationship with God, and when we do life can feel like a set of tires with all the air gone out of them. We are flat and friendless, limp and lifeless, lost and loveless. Our loving God wants to hear from us, wherever we are stuck on the side of the road. Let us confess the things standing between our hearts and God’s mercy as we pray together.
Prayer of Confession (Unison)
Gracious God, forgive us. We get caught up in the demands of the world and forget You. We run out of time to pray. We convince ourselves we know what is best. We doubt that You care about the details of our lives. We break down where we could build up. We forget You love us. We do not remember You can bring new life even when it seems all hope is gone. Forgive us for the ways we have broken our ties to You.
Silent Prayers of Confession
Words of Assurance (Responsive):
Minister: Sisters and Brothers in Christ, hear the Good News: all is forgiven.
ALL: Our loving God has heard our prayers.
Minister: We who felt dead are now alive in God’s grace and mercy.
ALL: We thank God for it.
Submitted by Rev. Martha Spong.
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