Year C
confession: justice is too hard
O God, You are faithful to all generations—from the beginning of time, you have called all kinds of characters to be your people. When we forget that their story is our story, forgive us. When we admire them from afar while insisting that kind of faith isn’t practical for us, forgive us. We confess that your justice is too hard for us to do, and we prefer to create our own. We confess that we do not often bear the fruit you expect of your vineyard, resisting your kingdom’s way when it conflicts with our desires. Forgive us yet again, and plant your word of justice deep in our hearts and lives. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
confession: limited love
Holy Love, first and last, you offer yourself to us completely and call us to your life. Yet we are afraid, for your Way demands much of us. We confess that we are often quick to judge and slow to forgive. We confess that we choose that which does not satisfy, even as you offer us abundant life. When our fear overrides your call, forgive us. When we act from our own limited love rather than your expansive grace, forgive us. Reach down to us again, lift us up as a mother lifts a child to her cheek. Cast out our fear and fill us with the breath of your Spirit, that we may live the love we see in your Son, Jesus the Christ, in whose perfect name we pray. Amen.
POP–uphold and deliver
O Lord, God of mystery and blessing,
hear our prayers and the earnest cries of our hearts.
Uphold your people in your strength,
and give your attention to doing justice in our world.
Judge of our hearts, come to us in the quietness;
examine us and make us pure so we might do your will.
Teach our mouths to speak your blessings,
and keep us walking in the paths of your perfect love.
We call upon you, O God, on behalf of those who long for your presence;
hear the prayers of your people and give an answer to those who seek you.
Protect all those who are in danger,
from those they know as enemies,
from those they knew as friends or family,
or from the unseeing forces of nature.
Gather your people under the shadow of your wings.
Rise up to protect those who suffer from sickness, resentment, oppression, or poverty.
Open our hearts to compassion for all who are in need,
and teach us to extend your mercy and healing.
Deliver us, O Lord, from all fear,
and give hope even to those who face death,
that in this world and in the next we may see your face and hear your blessing.
We pray in Jesus’ name, saying together:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids IA
O Lord, faithful and joyful God,
we can scarcely believe the good things you intend for your people.
When we recognize your generosity and hear your promises,
our mouths are filled with laughter, and our tongues shout for joy.
We rejoice and are glad indeed for the great things you promise for us.
Fulfill your promises in the lives of all whom we lift up before you.
For those whose good fortune seems to have dried up:
Restore your promises and make your people whole.
For those who weep today:
May they sing songs of joy once more.
For those who anxiously wait for the seeds of life to sprout once more:
May your abundant harvest be known.
Faithful God, we entrust our future to your steadfast promises,
and we wait patiently for you,
strengthened by the name of Jesus Christ, in which we pray together:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids IA
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