Year C
POP: grace and compassion
We praise you, O Lord, with all our hearts!
As your people gathered in faith, we call upon you.
We celebrate what you have done for us,
and we love to tell the stories of your grace.
For the sake of your unending righteousness,
we call upon your grace and compassion for your people.
We pray for those who are hungry,
and we seek to use our gifts so they might be fed.
We pray for those who suffer oppression
from enemies within or beyond their homelands,
and we look for justice and peace for all people.
We pray for those who seek to draw closer to you,
that you would open the eyes of every heart
and reveal yourself to all who seek you.
We give you thanks, Holy One,
for you are always faithful to your people;
your promises are always sure.
We pray with the wisdom, and in the name,
of Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us to pray, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
CTW: Seek Shalom Together
God calls us to gather together to seek the Shalom of our city
We seek God’s Shalom together
Where there is separation, may God forge new connections through us
We seek God’s wholeness together
Where there is violence, may God bring reconciliation through us
We seek God’s peace together
May the wholeness and peace of God be felt in this community
We seek God’s Shalom together. Let us worship God!
Submitted by Rev. Lucus Levy Keppel, Trinity Presbyterian Church in Bixby, OK
POP: faith grows
Faith is something that grows,
from a nearly invisible beginning,
through the nurture that is prayer.
Whether you feel you believe today or not,
let the faith of this congregation uphold you
as we share our joys and concerns with each other…
Invite joys and concerns
O Lord, we put our trust in you,
for you have provided every good thing for your people.
We are confident despite our own brokenness
and the brokenness of this world,
because we know that you are redeeming all things
and bringing your reign to completion in us.
We confess our sin and welcome your forgiveness now…
We take delight in you, because you have answered our prayers.
We praise you for new beginnings,
for restored health and new life,
and for your steadfast promises every day.
We name our joys and hopes now…
We commit our way to you,
and we trust in you to complete what you have begun in our lives.
Make your church righteous and holy in Jesus’ name,
and let our shared life bear witness
to the light of your love.
We offer ourselves to you now…
O Lord, we have stilled ourselves before you,
and we wait patiently for your work.
We pray for those who suffer from oppression or violence,
especially for those in lands far from our own,
and most of all for those whose suffering benefits us…
We pray for those who are our enemies,
and we declare our intent to forgive and reconcile…
We pray for those who wait upon your healing,
and those who long to know your salvation.
We pray for your people in every kind of need…
We await the fullness of your reign, O God,
and we choose to participate in your will.
We pray in the name of the one who taught us to pray, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
Dedication: opportunity to give
God our strength, you give us so very much, and your blessings grow and multiply in our lives. You call us to share your gifts with others, and so we obey. We thank you for the opportunity to give, and we dedicate these offerings to your work in the world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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