We sing because God does marvelous things!
He opened salvation to all and revealed his righteousness to the world.
Make joyful noise the Lord, all the earth!
We join in joyous song and sing God’s praises!
It’s not only us, but the sea, the rivers, even the mountains rejoice out loud.
The whole cosmos sings because the Lord is coming to establish justice on earth!
Ordinary Time
prayer of confession: make us courageous servants
God of justice,
in baptism you anointed us
to live boldly in the reality of your coming kingdom.
We confess that we have not fulfilled our calling.
We have not used your power to serve our neighbors.
We have walked away from oppression and injustice.
We have turned our backs on your beloved children
who hunger and thirst in a world of plenty.
Forgive us, Lord.
Make us courageous servants
of your justice, peace, and wholeness,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
based on 2 Samuel 5
submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
Opening Prayer: into your future
One: Show us your ways, O Lord!
Lead us in your truth, and teach us.
All: Open our eyes, minds, and hearts
to know your will and to follow it.
One: Reveal your vision for us,
and keep us focused and faithful to what you would have us do.
All: Bring us together to worship and work for your purpose,
and move us forward into your future. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, St. John’s Church of Scotland, Gourock
POP: work your justice
We sing to you, O Lord, with all the earth!
We bless your name because of your saving work every day!
Make your glory known among all people,
and share your wondrous works with everyone who calls out to you.
Reveal your strength and beauty in all things.
Share your gifts with all creation in your love.
Lord, you set the world firmly in place,
so nothing can be shaken.
Work your justice for those who cry out to you;
heal the skies, the earth, the sea, and everything that lives;
restore the cities, countries, and peoples of the world;
and be especially gracious to these we name before you…
Then all the trees of the forest will shout joyfully,
when you establish justice
and redeem your world,
in Jesus’ name, who taught us to pray, saying…
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
POP: drowning in trouble
(Written for a young reader)
We call out to you, Lord,
because we know you hear and answer.
We pray for people who feel like they are drowning in trouble.
Turn and look, and let everyone see you are close by.
We pray for people who feel like they have been swallowed up
by oceans of sickness, sadness, or fear.
Reach down and lift us up.
We thank you for listening to our prayers,
and we know you are ready to answer.
We praise you
and promise to follow you forever,
in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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