Lord, receive these offerings,
not because they’re anything special,
but because generosity is part of the work
you have given us to do
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
a community creating for the relentless return of Sunday
Lord, receive these offerings,
not because they’re anything special,
but because generosity is part of the work
you have given us to do
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
God of righteousness, we put our trust in you.
We want to do what is right;
give us the faith to follow you and serve our neighbors.
Restore our relationships with one another.
Hear the prayers of our hearts,
and help us always to pray for
the things that would give you joy.
We pray especially for those we know by name…
…and we lift up those needs that we hold in silence.
O Lord, we entrust ourselves to you.
Let what is righteous in us rise like the sun,
and teach us to serve justice in all things.
We wait for you, and our hearts learn to pray
as Jesus teaches us, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
Based on Luke 24:13-35 and 50 years of Earth Day
God of resurrection, of miracles beyond our understanding, hear us now as we come to you with the prayers and burdens of our hearts…
We pray for your church throughout the world. May we truly be the body of our Risen Lord, the Body of Christ in and for the world. May we see where you are leading us and be bold enough to follow after, even in our uncomfortableness.
We pray for our community, for essential workers, those working at home, those without work. We pray for the children home from school or doing school at home, we pray for those who don’t understand and those who are anxious in their understanding. We pray for those who are lonely and those who wish they had some more space from those they love. We pray for those who are struggling with mental health, with addiction, in pain awaiting needed surgeries or medical treatment they are not currently able to get. O Lord, make your presence be known to each to remind them you continue to walk with us even on this difficult road of grief and unknown.
We pray for your good and very good creation. While we weren’t able to gather for earth day like 50 years ago, may what is happening in creation around the world stir in our hearts what a different way of living, what a new world, a healed and restored world can and will look like. Help us to better care for your creation, living into this command first given in Genesis, to make a way for healing and restoration for all.
We pray for those who had already given up hope even before this time of pandemic due to economic hardship, stuck in generations of poverty, oppression, and marginalization. May we learn to love them as Jesus loved, lifting up the ones often forgotten and restoring them to life abundant. We pray for the leaders of our nation and the leaders of our world. May they resist corruption of sin and greed, let their eyes be opened to you and be guided by your righteousness and justice.
O God, we thank you for this day and all our days. May we never cease to be amazed how you walk with us, guide us, and reveal yourself to us, especially in our times of grief and pain offering us what we need. We lift up these prayers and those on our hearts to you as we pray together the prayer our Lord Jesus Christ taught us, Our Father…
submitted by Rev. Erin Moore, First Presbyterian Church of Chester, NY
We will bless you, O Lord, forever;
let our mouths always be filled with your praises.
We tell your greatness, because you have answered us
and saved us from every fear.
Give us the ability to see you in our hearts,
so we can recognize your radiant beauty in our lives.
Teach us to share your goodness with others,
so everyone can taste and see that you, O Lord, are good.
In your goodness, your people lack nothing that is good.
Therefore, we pray for those who suffer hunger,
for those who are in trouble,
for those who protest injustice.
We pray for those we have remembered by name today…
You want all your people to have pleasure and plenty.
Turn your eyes to the righteous and the needy.
Come near to the brokenhearted.
Heal the sick and injured, in body and in soul.
Help us listen to you with reverence;
help us speak truth and goodness;
help us turn from evil and do good.
help us seek peace and pursue it.
O Lord, you redeem our lives.
We put our trust in you,
praying in Jesus’ name the prayer that Jesus taught…
submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams (he/him), Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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