O Lord, you hold the future of your people.
Trusting in your love, we lift up our dreams and hopes before you.
We pray for all who celebrate good news and hopes fulfilled, that they might see your love for them and for all people.
God of abundance, Fill the earth with your joy.
We pray for those who seek peace between people and nations, that they may know themselves as children of God.
God of abundance, Fill the earth with your joy.
We pray for those who experience injustice, and for those who stand with them, that you would set all things right.
God of abundance, Fill the earth with your joy.
We pray for all who suffer from illness, poverty, or worry, that you would pour out your blessings and heal your people.
God of abundance, Fill the earth with your joy.
We pray for all who weep and mourn, that you would give comfort and peace.
God of abundance, Fill the earth with your joy.
Let our prayers be a seed of your good news, and may we commit ourselves to the work of your joy.
We pray in Jesus’ name, who sows life in our hearts, and we join in the prayer he taught us, saying:
…The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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