you have fed us at this table
along with that great multitude of your faithful people.
Keep us faithful to your call,
and abide with us always,
that we may serve you in all things.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
a community creating for the relentless return of Sunday
This order of service for Palm/Passion Sunday breaks up the readings for the Revised Common Lectionary Year C throughout worship.
Call to Worship (perhaps this call to worship by Thom Shuman)
Prayer of Invocation
The Entry into Jerusalem: Luke 19:28-44
Hymn of Praise: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
Prayer for Illumination
Jesus Clears the Temple: Luke 19:45-48
The Widow’s Offering: Luke 21:1-4
Offering of Our Lives and Possessions
Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Judas Turns: Luke 22:1-6
Prayer of Confession (perhaps this by Laura Cunningham)
Assurance of Pardon
Congregational Response
Jesus Prays in the Garden: Luke 22:39-46
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Jesus Is Arrested: Luke 22:47-53
Hymn: Go to Dark Gethsemane
Benediction Response: Ride On! Ride On in Majesty!
submitted by Rev. Evan Walker, Roxboro Presbyterian Church, Roxboro, NC
God of peace…we give thanks
that you are our firm foundation
when the waves of chaos thrash around us,
causing the world to feel out of control.
We give thanks
that you have empowered us
to speak peace into chaos,
and to take action against injustice.
But too often, we lack motivation,
we are too afraid to challenge injustice,
or it simply is not in our own interest to act.
So we stand with the oppressor
instead of kneeling with the oppressed…
we carry torches of anger and hatred
instead of bearing the bright light of your love…
and we offer our “thoughts and prayers”
but render them empty and vain
by our silence and inaction.
Yet, we know you desire so much more from us.
So draw us away from our apathy…
away from our complicity…
and closer to your hope for the world…
Submitted by Rev. Scott V. Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church (Lexington, KY)
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