CALL TO CONFESSION The Psalmist asserts that all have gone astray, fleeing from the shepherd who longs to gather us together and heal our brokenness. Let us take this time to return to God, admitting our failings and holding close to the … [Continue reading] about confession: our distorted passions
CTW: We Belong To God
L: People of God, hear what God says to you: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you.” P: The LORD has created us; the LORD has formed us. God has called us by name; we belong to God. L: When you pass through the waters, God … [Continue reading] about CTW: We Belong To God
prayer of dedication: from smallest to largest
Receive the gifts we offer, O God. Receive the gift of our lives - from the smallest to the largest. Bless them all to your transforming work in the world. Amen. Submitted by Stephanie Anthony, pastor at First Presbyterian Church (Hudson, WI) … [Continue reading] about prayer of dedication: from smallest to largest
assurance: faithful still
Hearing God’s Forgiveness - Adapted from the PC(USA) Brief Statement of Faith L: Like a mother who will not forsake her nursing child, P: like a father who runs to welcome the prodigal home, L: God is faithful still. Hear the good news: In … [Continue reading] about assurance: faithful still
confession: we dismiss the gifts of children
Holy God, who revealed yourself to us as a child, forgive us when we dismiss the gifts of the children among us. Forgive us when we think their offerings are unimportant enough to relegate to a few special Sundays a year. Forgive us when we are … [Continue reading] about confession: we dismiss the gifts of children
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