L: With friends and strangers, with family and neighbors, we gather: P: Come among us, Healing God, with that love which never ends. L: With faith reaching out to touch, with hearts straining to trust, we hope: P: Come among us, … [Continue reading] about CTW: come among us…
confession: we plan too much
God, we admit we have not had the serenity to accept the things that cannot be changed, we have been afraid to change the things which should be changed, and we have not had the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. We attempt to plan our … [Continue reading] about confession: we plan too much
CTW: wait for the Lord
L: At the defeat of a candidate, the news shouts polarizing speculations: how the mighty have fallen! P: We wait for the Lord, our souls wait in hope; L: When economies crash, investors bemoan their losses, crying: how the mighty have … [Continue reading] about CTW: wait for the Lord
Sunday’s Coming: working toward July 1
well, it's that time again...the time when we look forward to another bulletin, another round of pondering the strangeness of the lectionary, another liturgy-writing extravaganza! Because really, how many liturgies do you know of that help us explore … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward July 1
CTW: the day, and the church, the Lord has made
One: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! All: We come with awe and praise, hearts lifted high! Some of us come with doubt and fear, hearts troubled. One: This is the church the Lord … [Continue reading] about CTW: the day, and the church, the Lord has made
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