Here we are: Ordinary Time. Green stretches out before us for months and will you be heading into this season? Starting out by considering what an earthly king looks like? Attempting to heed Paul's call not to lose heart? Contemplating … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward June 10
confession: easy as Holy Holy Holy
Holy, holy, holy God, the words of praise slip easily from our lips. You are almighty! You are glorious! You dwell in holy splendor! But as we are swept up in those lofty words, we can miss the point. Because we can describe you, we start to … [Continue reading] about confession: easy as Holy Holy Holy
illumination: a glimpse of joyous life
Most Holy Mystery, open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts as your scripture is read and your Word proclaimed, that we might gain a glimpse of your joyous life and join the dance of Father, Spirit, and Son now and always. Amen. Submitted by … [Continue reading] about illumination: a glimpse of joyous life
confession: change
One: Holy God, you call us to change our hearts and lives, to return to you. All: So often we like the way things are, and we aren’t sure what changing our way and following you would mean. One: You promise new life for … [Continue reading] about confession: change
CTW: come into God’s presence
One: Come into God’s presence with gladness! All: The Spirit brings light into our darkness, hope to our sadness, joy to our mourning. One: Come into God’s presence with singing! All: Christ’s love brings faith to our … [Continue reading] about CTW: come into God’s presence
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