Now the Christian faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit. So the Father is God, the Son God, the Holy Spirit God; And yet … [Continue reading] about ctw: trinity in unity
Sunday’s Coming: working toward June 3
It's Trinity Sunday! One of my friends once told me it was one of her favorite High Holy Days, and I nearly did a double take on the phone. I'd never thought of Trinity as a High Holy Day before. Or if I had, it was way down the list, far past … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward June 3
illumination: stale minds and slowly-beating hearts
Spirit... Wind... Breath... fill our lungs and lives with your energizing presence; refresh our stale minds; and stir our slowly-beating hearts; so that we may humbly and courageously be your breathing, gusting, good presence in … [Continue reading] about illumination: stale minds and slowly-beating hearts
post-communion prayer: God of the inside & the outside
God: You are God indeed, the God of all. You are God of our comings and goings and strivings, and you are God of all that we cannot master or manage, force or control. You are God of our hopes and dreams, our scheming and our plans, but you are also … [Continue reading] about post-communion prayer: God of the inside & the outside
morning prayer: respite from our task-filled days
God of this new morning... As the sounds of sunrise stir us from our slumber... As the birds chirp their songs outside our windows... As the squirrels scamper from tree to tree... we celebrate the gift of rest... the gift of sabbath... the gift … [Continue reading] about morning prayer: respite from our task-filled days
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