God of imagination and creativity... we gather from many different places... we gather from many different contexts and situations... we gather with many different questions, and many different hopes... but we're all here for the same reason... to … [Continue reading] about morning prayer: the table we surround
prayer for wholeness: we are not alone
Prayer for Wholeness The signposts of our lives cry out “Danger!” “Keep out!” “Detour!” “Stop!” We’re told to proceed with caution and keep our hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. We hit roadblocks and wonder if we’re doing the … [Continue reading] about prayer for wholeness: we are not alone
Sunday’s Coming: it’s Pentecost!
fire! fire! Okay...and wind, and babble, and excitement! What are you up to this Sunday? Dry Bones? Tongues of Fire? Birthday Cake? Leave your thoughts, tidbits, sparks, or whatever you have--no matter how complete or unfinished--in the … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: it’s Pentecost!
CTW: play…sing…dance…everyone
If you have an instrument...PLAY! If you have a voice...SING! If you have rhythm...DANCE! If you have the breath of life... join the chorus of creation, AND LET'S WORSHIP GOD! Submitted by Scott Cervas, pastor at Meadowthorpe Presbyterian … [Continue reading] about CTW: play…sing…dance…everyone
CTW: imagine, dream, create, worship
As a new light dawns...the sounds of sunrise stir us from our slumber! As we gather together...songs of shared celebration ascend from our souls! As we reside within our reality...God's Spirit invites us to imagine... dares us to dream...and … [Continue reading] about CTW: imagine, dream, create, worship
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