Holy God, Planter of green pastures where we might be fed; Pooler of waters which nourish us forever; Shaper of paths which lead us into your presence: all that you made is beautiful and good and given to those created in your image. Sadly, our … [Continue reading] about Good Shepherd Communion
easter 4 prayer
On the lonely paths through life, you are smoothing the way for us. In the barren soil where we till our souls, you are nurturing us with love. Wherever we are, we find you, Crafter of Creation. When we go to fill the emptiness of a hungry … [Continue reading] about easter 4 prayer
confession: by still waters
Call to Reconciliation We wander from hope to hope, thinking the next person, the next book, the next new thing will lead us in the ways in which we long to live. Yet, if we open our eyes and pay attention, we will see the Good Shepherd, the … [Continue reading] about confession: by still waters
CTW: good to be here
It is very good for all of us to be here... to celebrate the richness of our lives together; to re-discover, and to discover for the first time, the depths of God's grace; to gather at this table so that we may taste and see the goodness of … [Continue reading] about CTW: good to be here
CTW: children of god
L: In the presence of God, we gather: P: people burdened and looking for comfort; folks whose spirits need a makeover. L: Like little children, we surround God: P: hoping for that touch which will refresh us; longing to be embraced … [Continue reading] about CTW: children of god
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