We have arrived at the Fourth Sunday of Easter--in many places known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." Are you going with the Good Shepherd this week? Singing Psalm 23, reciting it in unison in an attempt to liberate it from the funeral, or ignoring it … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: Working toward April 29
easter season communion
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving L: May the Lord of Easter be with you! P: And also with you! L: Open your hearts to God, beloved of the Lord. P: We lift them to the One who fills our lives with joy and wonder. L: Children of Easter, sing … [Continue reading] about easter season communion
dedication: full and open, empty and low
Holy One, sometimes we come to you with hands full and hearts open. Sometimes we come to you with pockets empty and hopes low. However we bring our gifts today, we ask you to bless them and bless us. Use us and use this church to make the living … [Continue reading] about dedication: full and open, empty and low
invocation: hard to live new life
Heavenly Parent, you have called us your children. And you have called us to new life. Sometimes that makes it hard to live in this world, where other people are so separate from you. Help us to find the inner resources to stay in touch with … [Continue reading] about invocation: hard to live new life
CTW: witnesses
We are witnesses, to the love God has poured into us. We are witnesses of God's love, sharing it with each person we meet. We are witnesses to everyone we encounter, little children like us, sisters and brothers in God's … [Continue reading] about CTW: witnesses
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