One: Christ is risen! Many: Christ is risen indeed! One: Now what? What are we supposed to do next? Many: He showed himself to the disciples. One: But we sometimes struggle to know him. Many: What can we do? How can we find him? One: We can … [Continue reading] about CTW: day and night
confession: running down the street
Call to Reconciliation We know how easy it is to trick ourselves into believing that every thought is pure, every act is just, every choice is correct. But if we want to be God's children, to grow in hope, to walk in the Light, we must admit our … [Continue reading] about confession: running down the street
Sunday’s Coming: working toward April 22
We're getting a bit of a late start this week...whether you're on a roll already or just waking up from the post-easter-week-vacation/retreat/nap, join in as we create for this Sunday! Perhaps you'll be walking on the road to Emmaus this … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward April 22
dedication: first fruits
a perfect prayer of dedication for tax time or stewardship season... Holy God, we give you thanks for the many blessings you bestow upon us. We ask that you might bless the small portion that we return to you—the first fruits of that … [Continue reading] about dedication: first fruits
communion invitation for the Easter season
VOICE ONE: Easter matters. It matters that the same one who healed with his touch, who taught in the temple, who prayed in the Garden – was hung on the cross. It matters that the same one who was beaten by the guards, betrayed by his … [Continue reading] about communion invitation for the Easter season
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