One: Christ is risen! Many: Now what? One: The disciples clung to each other. They huddled in the upper room, waiting. Many: Would the authorities come to take them, too? One: Instead, Jesus himself appeared, despite the locked door. Many: What … [Continue reading] about call to worship and prayer: now what?
Easter prayer of illumination: speak to us
Speak to us, Risen Christ, along our road: explain the Scriptures, break open the bread of life, and set our hearts on fire with your love. Amen. adapted from Luke 24:32 (CEB) Submitted by Rev. Josh Hale, Pastor, Perritte Memorial United … [Continue reading] about Easter prayer of illumination: speak to us
confession: reluctance
Call to Reconciliation How often have we heard the good news of forgiveness and restoration? Yet, we are still reluctant to believe. God offers us new life, yet we are afraid to let go of the old. Let us confess our doubts and fears to the One … [Continue reading] about confession: reluctance
prayer of the day: Easter 2B
Emptier of Tombs: you raised Jesus from the grave so all fears might be banished; so the locked doors of our hearts could be flung open; so our quivering lips could declare what we have seen and heard. Bright Glory of God: as you stood in … [Continue reading] about prayer of the day: Easter 2B
call to worship: the word of life
L: The Word of life spoke: P: so we could hear the angels' 'Alleluias!' L: The Word of life reached out: P: so we could touch the hope which heals us. L: The Word of life walked out of death's dread tomb: P: so we could follow him into … [Continue reading] about call to worship: the word of life
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