Prayer of Confession Living Lord, Loving God of this Easter Season—we confess that we have already forgotten the Resurrection. We are already back to our old ways, clinging to consuming, scrambling to be “good enough” and trying to do too much. … [Continue reading] about confession and pardon: forgetting the resurrection
call to confession / declaration of grace: in the midst of the song
Call to Confession: Even in the midst of great joy and celebration, we know that our lives don't always reflect God's intentions... So please join me in the prayer of confession, printed in the bulletin, followed by a moment of silent … [Continue reading] about call to confession / declaration of grace: in the midst of the song
thanksgiving for baptism
Water, water everywhere, even some to drink. Water, water everywhere, in every tub and sink. Water for all life on earth, Water as witness to every new birth. Water, longed for in deserts so bare. Water, a gift so precious to share. Water … [Continue reading] about thanksgiving for baptism
Looking Ahead: Pentecost
I know, I know, Easter isn't even over. But it's time to start looking ahead to the next big day, especially as it presents some unique challenges! Pentecost this year is May 27...Memorial Day Weekend. How might that affect your planning? Many … [Continue reading] about Looking Ahead: Pentecost
eucharist: creativity
This entire Eucharist liturgy is sung, with improvisation line by line. Each line is repeated by the congregation back to the cantor. Christ is here The Spirit is with us We lift our hearts And give thanks! Come to the Table. Be Fed. With … [Continue reading] about eucharist: creativity
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