Somewhere, in the course of writing a playful Call To Worship for use with an opening rendition of "O Sing to the Lord" (#472 in the Presbyterian Hymnal, Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990) involving all of the instruments listed, this somehow ended … [Continue reading] about CTW: all that has breath
Sunday’s Coming: working toward April 15
Have you ever noticed that Sunday just keeps coming? You would think we could get a tiny reprieve after Holy Week and Easter and all their various services, but once again...Sunday's coming. But first: how was Easter? What worked? What could use … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward April 15
Easter day communion: a stop at the table
Invitation to the Table As we go into the world on this Easter Day, we first stop here at the table of our risen Lord. We were just here a few nights ago, remembering how Jesus shared a meal with his disciples before he was arrested, but he … [Continue reading] about Easter day communion: a stop at the table
illumination: the tombs of our mind
Holy God, remove the stones that block the portals of our minds... shine your light so that it may take over the darkness within... and fill our thoughts with your perfect vision for creation so we may go, and tell, and be, and … [Continue reading] about illumination: the tombs of our mind
dedication: in giving we are fed
Faithful and Generous God, we share this evening that which we are able, knowing that it is just a small portion of all that we have received. We pray that you will see these offerings used to benefit those in need, that they might be fed in body, … [Continue reading] about dedication: in giving we are fed
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