On this night, in the midst of the festival celebrating the freedom you gave our ancestors the Israelites, we give you thanks that still you free us and show us how to be a new kind of people. You call us to love one another the way you love … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday prayer after communion
Maundy Thursday Invitation to the Table: Share, See, Sense, & Experience
The parade is in the past... the hosannas have hushed... and Jesus has retreated to an upper room to quietly dine with his disciples. We've been invited to the table to share in the mystery of broken bread... of a cup of wine... and of feet humbly … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday Invitation to the Table: Share, See, Sense, & Experience
CTW: share the mystery & wonder
The sun had just risen from behind the horizon... the world was quiet, but for the chirping birds and buzzing insects... the three women walked slowly to the tomb only to quickly leave with shocking news they never expected to receive: … [Continue reading] about CTW: share the mystery & wonder
Easter prayer: joy comes in the morning
Weeping comes for a night, but joy comes in the morning, O God of power and might. Death has been defeated and we shout Alleluia! Let all that we do today be a prayer of praise. For many of us, it is an Easter just like the others, with … [Continue reading] about Easter prayer: joy comes in the morning
confession: fear of “uns”
God of new life... too often, we we seem to be controlled by our fear of "uns"; fear of the unexpected...the unknown...the uninhibited. Sometimes, like the magi from the East, we respond to our fear by taking an alternative path, because that really … [Continue reading] about confession: fear of “uns”
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