We go to your tomb, O Christ, expecting to be met by the cold hardness of stone, sealing the death of hope. Instead, we find that the stone has been rolled away and you are not there! Help us to encounter your risen presence everywhere we … [Continue reading] about Easter prayer: we go to the tomb
Good Friday prayer: the hosannas have died away
O Holy God, the hosannas have died away, the palm branches have turned brittle. Now, today, there is only this – each of us, all of us, sitting in the darkness, the hymns of lament in the air, the mumblings of our own feeble confession, on … [Continue reading] about Good Friday prayer: the hosannas have died away
Maundy Thursday Litany
One: I love the LORD because he hears my requests for mercy. (Psalm 116:1-2, 12-18) I’ll call out to him as long as I live, because he listens closely to me. All: What can I give back to the LORD for all the good things he … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday Litany
Good Friday prayer
On this day, God of all tears, you call us in the midst of our busy lives to look at the suffering and death of the One who came to carry the pain of the world into your heart. Give us eyes to see your love this day. On this day you would … [Continue reading] about Good Friday prayer
confession: when we ___…
“A servant woman saw Peter sitting in the firelight. She stared at him and said, ‘This man was with Jesus too.’ But Peter denied it, saying, ‘Woman, I don’t know him!’” Luke 22:56-57 When we deny you, Christ, forgive us. “All his disciples … [Continue reading] about confession: when we ___…
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