Once again O Living God, it is Easter Morning. Do we dare to believe in the Resurrection—that You offer us New Life? We confess on this morning that we are often timid and afraid, unable to believe your promises, unable to offer all of our lives to … [Continue reading] about once again…a prayer for easter morning
Maundy Thursday opening prayer
Gracious God, we give you thanks this night for the privilege of gathering together to remember, to celebrate, and to share. We give you thanks for the journey we have been on with you—from manger to Temple, from Egypt to Galilee, from darkness to … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday opening prayer
Maundy Thursday invitation
It was a feast night, much like tonight. It was the time of celebration—celebration of God giving freedom, celebration of life and light and love being stronger than the powers of oppression and violence that seem to rule the world. It was a feast … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday invitation
holy week confession
Call to Reconciliation Confident of the hope received by the death of Christ, we bring our hearts - broken, stained with sin, filled with failings - to the One who sprinkles them with grace, cleansing them with the waters of life. Unison Prayer … [Continue reading] about holy week confession
Good Friday–the 1 hour 24 hour story
A complete Good Friday service, remembering Jesus' last 24 hours (in a one hour service) (Note: Some believe the Passion Story in Mark's Gospel was written to serve as an Easter Vigil, telling the story as early Christians 're-lived' … [Continue reading] about Good Friday–the 1 hour 24 hour story
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