God of compassion,in Jesus Christ you reveal the light of your glory,made flesh for us and for the sake of the world.These gifts are a reflection of your graceand an offering of our love,for the healing and restoration of all people.We give ourselves … [Continue reading] about Dedication: Light of your Glory
POP: Searching for your Grace
God, our God,we are searching for your grace!Our souls thirst for you,our lives long for you,like wanderers in a desert land.We pray with those who long to see your home;we search for your power and glory.Show your faithful loveto those whose lives … [Continue reading] about POP: Searching for your Grace
Confession and Pardon: Precious, Honored, and Loved
Holy and Beloved God, you call us by name, declaring us precious, honored, and loved. Yet we confess that we often fail to see ourselves as you see us. We cling to the chaff in our lives—fear, selfishness, and pride—instead of releasing it to you. We … [Continue reading] about Confession and Pardon: Precious, Honored, and Loved
Dedication: Abundance Through Sacrifice
Holy God,you upend the wisdom of the worldby raising as your scepterthe cross of Jesus Christ.You offer abundance through sacrificeand call us to hold fast to your loveby giving ourselves to one another.Receive these gifts as signs of our … [Continue reading] about Dedication: Abundance Through Sacrifice
POP: Shelter from Harm
God Most High,in the shadow of Jesus’ crossyou have sheltered all creation from harm.You have entrusted us with the good news of salvation. We lift up to you all those in need,who suffer sickness or danger,who live in fear of violence or … [Continue reading] about POP: Shelter from Harm
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