When the hour had come, Creator of the heavens and earth, you lifted up the cup of creation, pouring it into the emptiness of chaos. Rivers played tag through the valleys, stars spangled the blue-black night, joy danced in the fields of … [Continue reading] about brokenness made whole–Maundy Thursday communion
Maundy Thursday confession
Call to Reconciliation How is it people will recognize us as followers of Jesus? Simply by how we treat one another. Let us confess how we have not loved as Christ loves us. Unison Prayer of Confession Creator and Loving God, you kneel to wash … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday confession
Good Friday CTW: in the midst…
L: Here, in the midst of these people, we come to worship you. P: We come with the groans of our lives, and the whispers of hope in our hearts. L: Here, in the midst of these people, we come to remember you. P: We come, trusting you have not … [Continue reading] about Good Friday CTW: in the midst…
Maundy Thursday prayer: On that night long ago…
It was the beginning of hope on that night long ago, Liberating God, as you prepared to lead your people to freedom. As they readied themselves, you fed them with your unblemished grace, so all sin, pain, and bitterness could be set down and … [Continue reading] about Maundy Thursday prayer: On that night long ago…
CTW: Maundy Thursday
L: In remembrance, we gather: P: to be with the One who teaches us the meaning of faithfulness. L: In remembrance, we worship: P: lifting our voices to the One who calls us to love one another. L: In remembrance, we feast: P: breaking the … [Continue reading] about CTW: Maundy Thursday
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