Call to confession: When the parade is over, do we pick up our lives, brush them off, and live in the old way? Do we toss our palm branches aside, so we can grasp the seductions of the world? As we begin the journey through the holiest of … [Continue reading] about palm sunday’s call to reconciliation
dedication: looking toward the Passion
O God, you are with us as we plunge to the depths of despair and rise yet victorious. You understand when we stumble, and you pick us up when we fall. May our gifts be testaments of our gratitude for all you do for us. May our pledge to stand by … [Continue reading] about dedication: looking toward the Passion
prayer: palm branches
Steadfast Love: you hand us the palm branches, so we can wave them in hope; you steady us in the days when pain is stuck to the bottom of our lives, when fear is our constant companion. We empty ourselves so you might fill us with … [Continue reading] about prayer: palm branches
you don’t print everything…
...some things aren't printed in the bulletin, right? This week we have lots of things not being printed, because the service is strange. So I'll be looking for communion prayers, a prayer of dedication, and maybe even a new way to invite people … [Continue reading] about you don’t print everything…
confession: we aren’t sure
God of something new... every year we purchase palm branches, waving them with one hand while holding hymnals in the other; we sing (and sometimes even shout), "Hosanna!"; and we imagine Jesus riding on the back of a donkey, as we try to get … [Continue reading] about confession: we aren’t sure
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