*Prayer of Confession We hear that we are loved, but we struggle to receive it. We err on the side of fear and judgment rather than faith and love. We choose darkness instead of light. We hear there is eternal life, but refuse to believe … [Continue reading] about confession and assurance: darkness and light
CTW: family, neighbors, witnesses
(based on Hebrews 12:1) Leader: We come to worship with family – family by birth, by marriage, by friendship. People: As Noah’s wife and children filled the ark, as Aaron spoke for Moses, as Ruth came alongside Naomi, we are surrounded by so … [Continue reading] about CTW: family, neighbors, witnesses
confession and assurance: even in the darkness
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION Gracious and Loving God, we spend so much of our lives in the darkness, not daring to step into your light. But in your light is life, and in the darkness, only death. Teach us to turn back to the light of your love. … [Continue reading] about confession and assurance: even in the darkness
great prayer of thanksgiving: Enduring Love
L: The Lord of Light be with you. P: And also with you. L: As Christ was lifted up to save us, let us offer our hearts to God. P: We lift them to the One who feeds us on the Bread of heaven. L: Pilgrims of Lent, continue … [Continue reading] about great prayer of thanksgiving: Enduring Love
confession: words vs. actions
The words we speak all too often do not show you in our lives, God of our pilgrimage. We spend so much time boasting to others, they imagine we have no need for you. We grumble impatiently when you don't respond immediately to our requests, but are … [Continue reading] about confession: words vs. actions
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