Call to Reconciliation In becoming one of us, God became poor so we could receive the riches of mercy. In coming to us, God took on our death, so we could be made alive together with Christ. Come, offer your confessions, knowing that by grace … [Continue reading] about call/assurance: the riches of mercy
prayer: love, grace, peace
When once we let sin coil itself around our hearts, you wrap us in the comforting shawl of grace. When once we obsessed over us, you freed us to give our selves away to the world. Ceaseless Creator, your love overwhelms us each and every … [Continue reading] about prayer: love, grace, peace
CTW: we come to offer
L: We come, to offer all we have to God: P: our minds, our bodies; our hearts, our hopes. L: We come, to offer all we are to God: P: our relationships with families and friends, our longing to draw closer to other pilgrims. L: … [Continue reading] about CTW: we come to offer
Sunday’s Coming: working toward March 18
Oh boy, the snake week! :-) I confess that this Sunday we will have a cantata (John Rutter's Requiem) so I won't be preaching on snakes this year, nor on obscure references to said snakes in the midst of a much-beloved, almost-cliche story. Will … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward March 18
confession: can’t see
You call us to love you with all our heart, all our mind, all our strength. But there are so many obstacles. Sometimes we just can’t see, even when your work is in plain sight. Sometimes we don’t want to hear your word, because we are afraid it … [Continue reading] about confession: can’t see
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