We praise you, O God, with our words and our bodies, With bells and horns, organs and flutes, With voices tuned to one another With hearts and mind tuned to yours. You give us new songs to sing, As all creation sings praise to your name The … [Continue reading] about prayers of the people–tune our hearts…
confession: a new and different way
God of justice and peace, you show us a new and different way to live in the joyful gift of your Law and in the gracious life of Jesus Christ, but when your new way tells us, “No,” we pull back. We resist your challenge to give up the old … [Continue reading] about confession: a new and different way
dedication: no matter why we give
Gracious God, we give for many reasons. We give out of habit, we give because it is commanded, we give because our blessings overflow. Help us to remain generous as we leave this place, to continue to support your church not just monetarily but in … [Continue reading] about dedication: no matter why we give
confession: scared
We hear the words from Jesus: “Take up your cross and follow me.” These words scare us. We know what taking up a cross meant for him. We do not feel able to sacrifice our lives. We are not even ready on most days to sacrifice smaller things for … [Continue reading] about confession: scared
Great Prayer: Architect of Creation
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving L: May the God of mountaintops be with you! P: And also with you! L: People of God, love the One who would make your hearts a a place of holiness and hope. P: We open ourselves to God, who raises us to new … [Continue reading] about Great Prayer: Architect of Creation
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