How's that Lenten Discipline going? One month and one day left of Lent! (not that anyone would count down or anything...) On Easter morning, do you have a sunrise service? Inside or outside? printed bulletin or no bulletin? preaching or no … [Continue reading] about Looking Ahead: Easter
confession: boxed up
Even with those simple commandments, Eternal Love, we manage to get it wrong. We misuse your name on an almost daily basis, and dishonor our friends and neighbors by talking behind their backs. We hunger for what others have, and think we can put you … [Continue reading] about confession: boxed up
call/assurance: God waits
Call to Reconciliation Perhaps we have spoken words which harm another. It may be we have failed to honor another of God's children. Maybe we have let our fears, our worries, our desires come between us and God. Whatever we might have done, … [Continue reading] about call/assurance: God waits
prayer: speak, come, stay
You speak, life-giving God: and all creation resounds with your precious words. Grace runs through our neighborhoods, singing your praises; hope tells of your enduring dreams for us, without uttering a word. You come, Servant of all: so … [Continue reading] about prayer: speak, come, stay
CTW: all earth cries glory
L: When God speaks, all creation answers: P: the pale winter moon cries, 'Glory!' the sun hums a song as it warms the earth. L: When God speaks, lives are changed: P: those held hostage by oppression are set free; the … [Continue reading] about CTW: all earth cries glory
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