You call us to love you with all our heart, all our mind, all our strength. But so often we are worried and distracted by many things. We forget your love and your call to love, and we begin to think it is about us— about our image, about doing … [Continue reading] about confession: distracted
confession: walking reluctantly
(inspired by Ann Weems' poem "The Walk") For those of us who walk along this road reluctantly, Lent is not our favorite time of year. You call us to rest and reflect, O God, but we’d rather be more active – planning and scurrying around. The … [Continue reading] about confession: walking reluctantly
confession: ready, willing, and able?
God of our renewed lives, we talk about being better people... doing things differently... living more disciplined lives; but we always talk about doing it tomorrow... or next week... or after the beginning of the new year. Meanwhile, your … [Continue reading] about confession: ready, willing, and able?
Lenten communion: covenant keeper
L: May the God of Lent be with you. P: And also with you. L: People of God, open your hearts. P: We open them to the One who calls us 'Beloved.' L: Beloved of God, give thanks and praise to the One who loves you forever. P: We sing our hymns of … [Continue reading] about Lenten communion: covenant keeper
confession: flood of worries
Call to Reconciliation God takes broken promises and turns them into vows of faithfulness. God takes our biggest failings and shapes lives of service. God listens to our prayers of confession and changes them into songs of mercy. Let us come to … [Continue reading] about confession: flood of worries
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