Lent is upon us. This week we'll enter the journey, some of us, on Ash Wednesday. We'll come face to face with mortality and sin, then turn our faces and our lives back toward God, seeking a new relationship with God, God's people, and God's world. … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward February 26
Ash Wednesday prayer–guide us
O God, we seek you out this evening with timid hearts, knowing that this night begins our journey into the darkness and towards the cross. Help us to welcome your guidance on this path and to remember that we cannot travel it alone. Keep our walk … [Continue reading] about Ash Wednesday prayer–guide us
prayer after communion: shining in glory
Lord Jesus, we have seen you shining in glory on the mountaintop and joining us in bread and cup here at this table. Strengthen us by these glimpses of your glory, that your kingdom might be known and your love be shown shining brightly in our … [Continue reading] about prayer after communion: shining in glory
call to offering: transfigured and regenerated
This Sunday, commonly known as Transfiguration Sunday, we remember the appearance of Jesus to his disciples on the mountain with evidence that his mission ranked him alongside the likes of Moses and Elijah. Certainly a triumphal moment if there ever … [Continue reading] about call to offering: transfigured and regenerated
prayers of the people: seeking
Prayers of the People (based on Isaiah 55:6-13) Lord, we have come seeking you this morning, knowing that you are near, believing that you want to be found. We have confessed our sins, Of word and deed Of silence and apathy We give thanks … [Continue reading] about prayers of the people: seeking
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