God, we are on a journey. We do not know where it will end, and often complain about the road. We know that you are at work, and part of that work requires us to be open to you and to transformation. Forgive us when our hearts are closed to you. We … [Continue reading] about confession and pardon: on a journey, complaining about the road
CTW: God does not keep silent
One: It may feel as though we are caught in a tempest. All: Our God comes and does not keep silent. One: We watch the rising and the setting of the sun, wondering what tomorrow will bring. All: Our God comes and does not keep silent. One: There is a … [Continue reading] about CTW: God does not keep silent
prayer: on the mountaintop
A prayer for Transfiguration Sunday. One: You always seem to speak on mountains— All: make this place a mountaintop today. One: On mountains your glory shines— All: make this place a mountaintop today. One: On mountains we can hear your … [Continue reading] about prayer: on the mountaintop
Sunday’s Coming: working toward T-Fig!
Transfiguration Sunday is finally here. We had some interesting discussion in the brainstorming post, but now it's time to do the real work. What are you thinking about for T-Fig (or, as one of my friends calls it, "t-figgety")? Perhaps you're … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward T-Fig!
confession: fear
God of wonder, we have to admit that if we climbed a mountain with Jesus and he became blindingly white while talking to two ancient people who appeared out of nowhere... we would have no idea what to say or do. We would be just as terrified as the … [Continue reading] about confession: fear
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