God of our deepest strength, as we breathe in the words of ancient poets and prophets, as we inhale the words of 1st century storytellers, refresh our hearts and minds so we might hear these words in new ways... so we might struggle … [Continue reading] about illumination: breathe in
call to confession / declaration of grace: exhausted / restored
It takes a great deal of energy to live the life for which God created us... and sometimes, we are simply too exhausted. So please join me in the prayer of confession, printed in the bulletin, followed by a moment of silent reflection … [Continue reading] about call to confession / declaration of grace: exhausted / restored
call to worship: breathe in
Wipe the sleep from your tired eyes... Stretch the gnawing apathy from your aching muscles... Breathe in...deeply...the goodness of God... And let your lives be renewed...now...as we worship together! Submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, … [Continue reading] about call to worship: breathe in
Prayers of the People – submitted by Carol Howard Merritt
We praise you, Creator God, In whom we live and move and have our being, We join all of creation in worship, As the trees lift their bare branches, The sky reveals your changing glory, and The birds find warmth. As we gather … [Continue reading] about Prayers of the People – submitted by Carol Howard Merritt
the rest of the service
Happy Groundhog Day, everyone! Apparently, old Phil saw his shadow, which means six more week's of winter. (Not quite sure what to do with that information for those of us in parts of the country who haven't experienced much "winter" to have more … [Continue reading] about the rest of the service
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