The first Sunday in February--we all know what that means, right? the Souper Bowl, of course! Are you working with the Souper Bowl of Caring in your worship service? Will there be a special moment for that, a litany or prayer specific to that … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward February 5
prayer of confession: miss the mark
submitted by Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Pastor, Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, NJ Great and Holy God, we confess that oftentimes we miss the mark. We mess up. We fall short. We disappoint ourselves or others around us. Most … [Continue reading] about prayer of confession: miss the mark
Looking Ahead: still working on Lent
there's a great conversation going on over at the Ash Wednesday post--how do we work with children during Lent? What kinds of prayers, litanies, songs, or children's moments might help us enter into this season? There's also still lots of room for … [Continue reading] about Looking Ahead: still working on Lent
call to worship – based on Psalm 111
submitted by Michael Morgan, organist, Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia; seminary musician, Columbia Theological Seminary; and author of the Psalter for Christian Worship One: Praise the Lord! In the company of the saints above and … [Continue reading] about call to worship – based on Psalm 111
Sunday’s Coming: working toward January 29
Maybe this week you're particularly praying for God to put words in your mouth, to raise up a's the middle of winter for many of us, and it's that part of the Epiphany season when we're getting tired of the first chapter of Mark and … [Continue reading] about Sunday’s Coming: working toward January 29
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