Submitted by Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, NJ Too often O God we have become a church of “we always used to do it that way” or “we should do something else” or a church of “we can’t.” We have … [Continue reading] about Confession: turn back or go forward
litany for September 11
A Litany of Remembrance, Thanksgiving, and Healing submitted by Rev. Joshua W. Hale, Perritte Memorial Methodist Church, Nacogdoches, Texas September 11th Litany (PDF) … [Continue reading] about litany for September 11
another confession for September 11
Submitted by Rev. Rebecca Page Lesley, Suffolk Presbyterian Church Merciful God, you teach that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. We confess that we mostly just love ourselves. We see those who are different than we are and we harbor fear … [Continue reading] about another confession for September 11
Confession for September 11th
One: We come this day remembering— All: remembering horror, grief, fear; remembering lives lost, communities changed, a nation wounded. We close our eyes and can still see the images. We open our eyes and see the aftermath, still smoldering after … [Continue reading] about Confession for September 11th
Psalm 138: an interactive scripture
An Interactive Psalm of Thanksgiving Submitted by Rev. Dr. Sarah Erickson, Director of Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary The leader reads or sings (lines in italics) and invites the congregation to echo the … [Continue reading] about Psalm 138: an interactive scripture
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